mailcow: Add or remove an domain alias

You can set up a domain alias so can have emails sent to, for example, hello@jompuserve.test will arrive in your primary inbox. If you need a new domain added to work completely independently of others, let me know and I’ll add it for you.

To add this: after logging into mailcow (click here) as your administrator account, hover your mouse over Aliases in the navigation bar near the top of the page then click Domain aliases.

Screenshot of selecting Aliases > Domain aliases from mailcow's navbar.

Add a domain alias

mailcow UI showing a red box around the Add new domain alias button

Click Add domain alias and then:

  1. Enter the alias(es) in the first text box
  2. Select the existing target domain (the domain you want the new one to be an alias for)
  3. Optional: change the DKIM selector and/or size if necessary

Click Add.


Screenshot with boxes around each of the options in the guide

Delete a domain alias

If you want to delete a domain alias, find it in the list and click Remove.

screenshot of the mailcow UI with a red box around the Remove button next to a domain alias